
Two Stars for Peace, author Martine Rothblatt makes a compelling
argument for merging Israel and Palestine into the United States.
This bold new strategy is also shown to be essential to removing the
kindling wood of terrorism from Middle East politics.
Translations Available
here to download the Arabic and Hebrew Translations of Two
Stars for Peace. These translations are available for free.
a Two Stars Monthly Meetup
For Monthly Meeting Info, visit http://twostarsforpeace.meetup.com
Ben Gurion University Lecture
This lecture was presented by Dr. Martine Rothblatt on May 10th, 2010 at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel. The talk outlines a practical, implementable plan for solving the crisis in the Middle East. It is a summary of the thesis presented in her book Two Stars for Peace available through Amazon with free downloadable versions in Hebrew and Arabic at twostarsforpeace.net.
Lecture (Web pages)
Lecture (Movie)
Lecture (download Powerpoint version)

Clinton Receives Two Stars for Peace from Martine Rothblatt
Deutsche Bank 2005 Health Care Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

Martine Presents Two Stars for Peace
Solution to Gen. Colin Powell at
Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.
2003-2010 Martine Rothblatt. All
Rights Reserved.